Access the documents for download in a few simple steps:
1 - Choose if you are in Curitiba or outside Curitiba;
2 - Choose the corresponding column on the next screen: Individual (PF) or Legal Entity (PJ) with or without IE (State Registration);
3 - Choose the type of document;
4 - Download and fill it out via Adobe Acrobat;
5 - Return the signed form to PostNet Curitiba;
6 - We will validate the payment;
7 - Send your documentation or goods to us;
8 - If you are in Curitiba and within 30 km, we will pick it up at your address;
9 - Receive the tracking code and all the information to follow your shipment.
Select if you are in
Curitiba or the metropolitan area:
Access if you are outside
Curitiba and the region.
Authorized Shipping Agent for
DHL Express, FedEx, and UPS.
Get your questions answered and resolve everything easily, anytime and anywhere.
PostNet Curitiba: We are a virtual agency.
Prefer in-person service? Schedule an appointment with one of our representatives before visiting our office. We're here to help.
Phone: (41) 2626-4208 and WhatsApp: (41) 99203-0505
© 2024. All rights reserved.
Our Location
Gallery Executive Center
Rua Visconde de Nácar, 1505, Loja 05, Centro, Curitiba.
Virtual Service
Monday to Friday:
10:00 AM to 5:30 PM.
Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays: Closed.
Easy payment
We offer up to 3 interest-free installments.
Bairro Nobre Assessoria e Serviços Eireli
CNPJ: 17.155.320/0001-13
PostNet Curitiba
Useful links:
In-person service by appointment only.